Church Finances

Critics of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sometimes referred to as Anti-Mormons, often use the Church's wealth to accuse it of being a greedy business entity that preys on the poor.  But to make that accusation, they must completely ignore the billions of dollars annually the church spends to bless people's lives, including those not of our faith.  Please don't fall for their misrepresentations. There is wisdom and prudence in keeping a reserve set aside so the Church can continue to bless the lives of millions during difficult times ahead.

The Purpose of Significant Financial Reserves

What LDS Critics DON'T Tell You About Church Finances

LDS Critics are so laser-focused on the Church keeping their funds private (all churches, by design, are not required by the government to disclose their funds, and most don't), that they completely miss everything the church does that has been well-known for decades.

I challenge any LDS Critic organization to provide a list like this (even on a smaller scale) of any help they provide wherein they expect nothing in return.   According to their own IRS reporting, they provide NO humanitarian or charitable aid to anyone.  They only provide services designed to earn them more money.

2023 Summary - $1.36 Billion to Care for Those in Need

2022 Summary - $1.02 Billion to Care For Those in Need

2021 Summary - $906 Million to Care for Those in Need
