Other LDS Critics

There are other LDS critics, or Anti-Mormons on YouTube that are not yet designated as non-profit organizations (or just recently applied), therefore, their financials are not available publicly.  Nonetheless, they produce ever-increasing numbers of videos and solicit donations aggressively.   In addition to being paid for videos and receiving donations, they sell ex-Mormon products (many of which are offensive and disrespectful).  While some of them may have other reasons for being critics, in every case, cultivating contempt to exploit for money seems to be a strong motivator.

Their Thumbnails Say It All

As a general rule, these other LDS Critics who have not yet formed a 501(c)(3) are far more forthcoming about what they stand for and who they are.   One need only view a few of the thumbnails from YouTube to get a glimpse of their atheistic and irreverent character.   Apologies for the offensive nature of some of these.....it's directly from their content.  


I haven't devoted as much time to these other channels because their financials are not available, but it is clear just from the limited information above where they stand.   Once again, these are all children of God and we are commanded to love them.   But we don't need to believe their information, nor subscribe to their lifestyle.   

As Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have a choice.   We can spend months or years researching the accusations from all these critics to separate fact from fiction, or we can simply take 20 minutes to understand their intent to cause doubts or a faith crisis for money, and then simply ignore their arguments.   

We can choose to follow them and live a life devoid of adherence to commandments that a loving Heavenly Father has given us to protect us, or we can follow Jesus Christ. We can subscribe to our critics' path of "freedom" from the Church, from the Atonement, and the commandments, or we can subscribe to the path God has invited us to follow that results in joy in this life and exaltation in the eternities.